No, this isn't a post about the shootout on the Las Vegas Strip that happened on Thursday morning. Although, that is a bizarre coincidence.
The Peppermill is having one of their little tournament series this weekend, One of their events is $145+$40 NLHE Shootout. It was a surprise to see this on the schedule, as it's rare to see a variety tournament in Reno. Fortunately, this happened to fall on my off day (Thursday), so I how could I miss it?
For those who don't know, a Shootout plays like a normal tournament, except they don't balance the tables. You stay at your table, and it plays down to a winner. The winner of each table goes to the Final Table with their chips and plays to a winner. Everyone at the Final Table has made the money.
Since a Shootout has never run in this town, I'm not sure how they are gonna handle this tourney. The one thing I can predict is they will probably screw it up
"Shuffle Up & Deal" - 10k chips and 30 min levels. Tables have nine chips stacks. But... There are currently only three tables, which is really sad. We have only three players at my table. Reno is so pathetic.